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School Improvement Plan

                                                  West Mercer Elementary
                                                 School Improvement Plan

Overarching Goal Alignment:

The stated goals align with WASA Inclusionary Practice overarching vision, Mercer Island School District’s Student-Focused Fundamentals, and the District Improvement Plan Goal. Our goals also align with the District’s Values, Vision and Mission.

WASA Inclusionary Practice Vision: In order to increase achievement for all students, eliminate inequities & barriers, promote safe  and supportive learning environments, and provide challenging learning opportunities,  Mercer Island School District will implement a multi-tiered system of support built on a  foundation of Universal Design for Learning, that is inclusive of equity and access for all  students, engagement with families and community, academic support, behavioral systems, and social-emotional learning.

District Improvement Plan Goal Alignment: The goals and actions of West Mercer Elementary’s School Improvement Plan align directly with the four major components of the MISD District Improvement Plan.
●      Create a deep sense of belonging
●      Belief in the limitless potential of every student
●      Removing barriers
●      Broadcasting student voice 


West Mercer will work with our whole community to monitor and work toward achievement of these goals. Persons and groups responsible for leading in our School Improvement Plan work include:
●       Building Cabinet
     ○           Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Site Leadership Team
     ○           Response to Intervention (RTI) Team
●      Megan Isakson (Principal)
●      Classroom Teachers
●      Student Council/Student Focus Groups
●      Restorative Justice Leadership Team
●      Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

Goal #1 (Social-Emotional Learning):

By June 2023, 100% of West Mercer scholars will report that they know how to problem solve with peers about disagreements, 100% of scholars will report feeling a sense of belonging in their community, and 100% of scholars will indicate a sense of physical safety at school.

If West Mercer scholars develop critical problem solving skills and experience an increased sense of belonging and safety, then we will remove barriers that may impede their access to and experience within learning and growth opportunities.


This goal is aligned with the following MISD Student-Focused Fundamentals:

Fundamental 3 - "Develop self-awareness, empathy, emotional/social intelligence, responsible decision-making and citizenship.”

Fundamental 5 - "Cultivate and foster thinking and process skills such as analytical and critical thinking, cross-discipline thinking, creativity, innovation, leadership, collaboration, communication, problem-solving, and information and technology literacy in curriculum design."

Supporting Baseline Data:

Based on the results of a site-based Social and Emotional (SEL) Student Perceptions survey administered in September 2021, the SEL and SEL leadership team identified three particular student response areas of concern:
-I know how to problem solve with my peers about disagreements.
-I feel physically safe at school.
-I feel like I belong in my school community.

As part of our longitudinal, multi-year SIP plan, these SEL areas (problem solving, safety, and belonging) remain core to our focus in the 2022-2023 school year.

We administered another site-based SEL Student Perceptions survey in September/October 2022.

This survey was administered to all classes in 2nd-5th grade. Longitudinal data collected through student surveys provided fall 2021 through fall 2022 is reflected in the table below.



I feel physically safe at school.

I know how to problem solve with my peers about disagreements.

I feel like I belong in my school community.

Fall 2021 Baseline

n= 243

All of the time = 72%

Sometimes  = 26.3%

Never = 1.7%

All of the time = 38.7%

Sometimes  = 58.4%

Never = 2.9%

All of the time = 75.7%

Sometimes  = 19.4%

Never = 4.9%

Spring 2022 EOY

n= 149*

*sample of 2nd-5th only

All of the time =64.4%

Sometimes  = 33.6%

Never = 2%

All of the time = 47.7%

Sometimes  = 49%

Never = 3.4%

All of the time = 71.1%

Sometimes  = 26.8%

Never = 2%

Fall 2022 Baseline

n= 226

All of the time = 84%

Sometimes  = 14.7%

Never = 1.3%

All of the time = 44.7%

Sometimes  = 54%

Never = 1.3%

All of the time = 66.4%

Sometimes  = 30.1%

Never = 3.5%






Action Items for Goal #1 (Social-Emotional):
-National Center for Restorative Justice facilitator training for team of teachers and paraeducators

-Professional Learning around restorative practices from facilitator team

-Professional learning around building and supporting sense of belonging

-Push in and support through PALS with restorative circles

-Training and support in community building, accountability, group author, restorative, and re-entry circles

-Direct instruction and reinforcement of problem solving strategies through the use of Kelso’s Choice, Second Step, and restorative conferences

-Alternate options for unstructured learning times (e.g. Makerspace, Library, Structured Play)

-Staff focus on tier one and tier two proactive strategies for behavior support

-Spaces and supports specifically delineated for friendship making and problem solving (e.g. Buddy Bench, Peer Mediators)

-Administering of SEL Student Perceptions survey each trimester (fall baseline, winter checkpoint, spring summative)

Anticipated Results Goal #1 (Social-Emotional):

- an increased sense of community and belonging

- an increased sense of competence and ability around problem solving and fewer recess disputes.

- an increased feeling of physical safety in all school spaces

-a decrease in major disciplinary incidents, as indicated by the West Mercer Behavior Tracking/Incident Response process

Goal #2 (Academic):

By June 2023, scholars who are not yet at grade level will demonstrate more than one year’s growth in the core/focus math domain (see below) as evidenced by classroom based assessments; All scholars currently at or above grade level will demonstrate growth in depth of understanding at grade level (i.e. meeting to exceeding) and/or growth in understanding next grade level core connected standards.

Focus Standards/Domain by grade level:
K - Operations & Algebraic Thinking (OA)
1 - Numbers & Operations in Base Ten (NBT)
2 - Numbers & Operations in Base Ten (NBT)
3 - Operations & Algebraic Thinking (OA)
4 - Operations & Algebraic (OA, multiplication strand)
5 - Numbers & Operations - Fractions (NF)
5 HC (6th grade standards) - Geometry (G)

If West Mercer scholars demonstrate growth in these core domains, then we will remove academic barriers and begin to close opportunity gaps.


This goal is aligned with the following MISD Student-Focused Fundamental:

Fundamental 2 - "Maintain the highest learning standards in the areas of fine arts; health and physical education; English language arts; mathematics; financial education; science; environment and sustainability; social studies; world languages; computer science and educational technology."


Supporting Baseline Data:

Our fall baseline assessment measures were as follows:

*Universal Math Assessment (Kindergarten)

*Beginning of the Year math inventory from Math Expressions (1st and 2nd grade)

*Fall diagnostic from iReady (3rd-5th grade)

Core domains by grade level were chosen as focus/priority areas based on: 1. Student baseline data; and 2. Essentialism of these standards/strands across the K-5 continuum.

Fall 2022 Baseline (% proficient in essential domain)
Kindergarten (OA): 30.3%

1st Grade (NBT):  89%

2nd Grade (NBT):  74%

3rd Grade (OA): 45%

4th Grade (OA, multiplication strand):  24%

5th Grade (NF): 6%

5th Grade HC (G): 32%


Action Items Goal #2 (Academic):

- Standards-based instruction

- Transparent and purposeful learning objectives & rubrics

- Targeted, small group math instruction within math block and Wolfpack Block

- Regular formative assessment to inform/target instruction

- Common, aligned assessment (performance task) for DOK levels 3 and 4

-Aligned understanding and use of success criteria across spectrum (beginning, approaching, meeting, exceeding standard) using the Access Points Framework

-Using additional supplemental resources/playlist for extending learning

Anticipated Results Goal #2 (Academic):

- Scholars will demonstrate proficiency/mastery of core, essential standards in mathematics

- Scholars will demonstrate understanding and application of depth of knowledge skills at level 3 and 4

- Narrowing of opportunity gap






First page of the PDF file: WestMercerSchoolImprovementPlan