West Mercer Mission Statement
Mission Statement: West Mercer is a place of joy where all students, staff, and families commit to grow, empower and value each other. We believe that our capacity to learn is unlimited.
Belief Statements:
We believe in strong partnerships with families and our community. We commit to respecting their insights and opinions.
We believe that every student and family in our community belongs. We commit to foster and embrace all aspects of diversity and further commit to face and address areas of inequity.
We believe it is important that we (staff, students, and families) enjoy each other and our time together at school. We commit to building relationships.
We believe that West Mercer is a place of emotional and physical safety. We commit to developing social/emotional health in our students.
We believe that behavior expectations must be clearly communicated and that students’ should be celebrated for appropriate behavior, not just criticized when they fall below behavior expectations. We commit to providing a positive behavior intervention system (PAWS).
We believe that learning should be personalized to meet the needs of the students in our classrooms and school. We commit to providing differentiated instructional practice.
We believe that student learning is most likely to occur when we use consistent, research based instructional practices and curricula. We commit to provide the guaranteed and viable curriculum mandated by the District and approved through School Board vote.
We believe that critical thinking and analytical/processing skills are crucial for future global opportunities. We commit to culture and foster these important thinking and problem solving skills.
We believe that every child needs appropriate challenge. We commit to continually improving our instructional practice so that we can grow ALL students’ skill and understanding.
We believe that every person (including us adults) can learn. We commit to learn from each other and from experts in a variety of fields.